Protection of Personal Data


Information Text on the Protection of Personal Data


Updated Date: 07.07.2024

Your personal data may be processed by Gölcük Sağlık İşletmeleri ve Ticaret A.Ş. (“ Anadolu Hastanesi ”), acting as the Data Controller within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”) and relevant legislation, within the framework explained below and in accordance with the Health Services Fundamental Law No. 3359, the Decree Law No. 663 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and its Affiliated Institutions, the Private Hospitals Regulation and the Ministry of Health regulations and other legislation.

  1. Obtaining, Processing and Processing Purposes of Personal Data

Your personal data is obtained verbally, in writing, visually or electronically, through call center, website, verbally, in writing and similar channels for the purposes of protecting public health, conducting preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and managing health services and their financing, and in a manner appropriate to Anadolu Hospital's fields of activity. Your special personal data, primarily your health data, and your general personal data may be processed by the Institution in a limited and proportionate manner in connection with the purposes specified in this article, including but not limited to the following:

  • Your identity information: Your name, surname, TR ID number, passport number or temporary TR ID number, place and date of birth, marital status, gender, insurance or patient protocol number and other identity data that can identify you.
  • Your Contact Information: Your address, telephone number, e-mail address and other communication data, your voice conversation records kept by customer representatives or patient services in accordance with call center standards, and your personal data obtained when you contact us via e-mail, letter or other means.
  • Your Accounting Information: Your financial data such as your bank account number, IBAN number, credit card information, billing information.
  • Your private health insurance data and Social Security Institution data for the purposes of financing and planning health services.
  • If you visit our hospitals or medical centers, your camera recordings will be kept for security and control purposes.
  • If you use the parking lot, please provide your vehicle license plate.
  • Your Health Information: All kinds of personal data regarding health and sexual life obtained during or as a result of medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, including, but not limited to, your laboratory results, test results, examination data, appointment information, check-up information, prescription information.
  • Your health data and other personal data that you send or enter to www.anadoluhastanesi.com.tr.
  • If you apply for a job at Anadolu Hospital, your other personal data including your CV provided in this regard, and if you are an Anadolu Hospital employee or related employee, all your personal data regarding your employment contract and aptitude for work.

Any personal data obtained by Anadolu Hospital (including, but not limited to, special personal data) may be processed for the following purposes:

  • Confirming your identity,
  • Protection of public health, implementation of preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and their financing.
  • Sharing the requested information with the Ministry of Health and other public institutions and organizations in accordance with the relevant legislation.
  • Planning and managing the internal workings and daily operations of our Hospitals and Medical Centers.
  • Measuring, increasing and researching patient satisfaction by Hospital Management, Patient Rights and Patient Experience departments.
  • Supply of medicine.
  • To be able to notify you about the appointment if you make an appointment.
  • Carrying out risk management and quality improvement activities.
  • Conducting analysis to improve healthcare services.
  • Financing of your health services, covering your examination, diagnosis and treatment expenses by the Patient Services, Financial Affairs and Marketing departments, and sharing the requested information with private insurance companies within the scope of entitlement inquiries.
  • Conducting research.
  • Fulfilling legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Sharing requested information with private insurance companies within the scope of financing health services.
  • Carrying out risk management and quality improvement activities by the Quality, Patient Experience and Information Systems departments.
  • Billing for our services by the Patient Services, Financial Affairs and Marketing departments and confirming your relationship with contracted institutions.
  • Participation in campaigns and provision of campaign information by Marketing, Media and Communication, Call Center departments, design and delivery of special content, tangible and intangible benefits on web and mobile channels.

Your Personal Data obtained and processed in accordance with the relevant legislation may be kept in both digital and physical environments by being transferred to the physical archives and/or information systems of Anadolu Hospital.

  1. Transfer of Personal Data

Your personal data may be shared by Anadolu Hospital with private insurance companies, the Ministry of Health and its affiliated sub-units, the Social Security Institution, the General Directorate of Security and other law enforcement agencies, the General Directorate of Population, the Turkish Pharmacists Association, the Courts and all kinds of judicial authorities, central and other third parties, your authorized representatives, lawyers, tax and financial advisors and auditors, including third parties from whom we receive consultancy, regulatory and supervisory institutions, official authorities, our business partners with whom we cooperate to develop or carry out health services for the above-mentioned purposes, and other third parties, within the scope of the Law and other legislation and for the purposes stated above.

  1. Method and Legal Reason for Obtaining Personal Data

Your personal data is collected and processed in all kinds of verbal, written, visual or electronic media, for the purposes stated above and for the execution of all kinds of work within the scope of Anadolu Hospital within the legal framework and for Anadolu Hospital to fully and duly fulfill its contractual and legal obligations within this scope. The legal reason for the collection of your data by these persons is;

  • Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698,
  • Health Services Fundamental Law No. 3359,
  • Decree Law No. 663 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and its Affiliated Institutions,
  • Private Hospitals Regulation,
  • Regulation on the Processing of Personal Health Data and Protection of Privacy,
  • Ministry of Health regulations and other legislative provisions.

In addition, as stated in the third paragraph of Article 6 of the Law, personal data regarding health and sexual life can only be processed by persons or authorized institutions and organizations under a confidentiality obligation, without the explicit consent of the person concerned, for the purposes of protecting public health, providing preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and managing health services and their financing.

  1. Your Rights Regarding the Protection of Personal Data

In accordance with the law and relevant legislation;

  • Learning whether personal data is being processed,
  • To request information regarding personal data processed,
  • Access to personal health data and request this data,
  • To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
  • To know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred, either domestically or abroad,
  • To request correction of personal data if it is processed incompletely or incorrectly,
  • Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data,
  • To request that the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred be notified of the rectification and/or deletion or destruction of personal data in cases where the personal data has been processed incompletely or incorrectly,
  • You have the right to object to a result that is to your detriment, as a result of the analysis of processed data exclusively by automated systems.

If you exercise one or more of your aforementioned rights, the relevant information will be notified to you in a clear and understandable manner, in writing or electronically, through the contact information provided by you.

  1. Data Security

Anadolu Hospital protects your personal data in full compliance with all technical and administrative security controls that must be taken in accordance with information security standards and procedures. The security measures in question are provided at a level appropriate to the possible risk, taking into account technological possibilities.

  1. Complaints and Contact

Your personal data is meticulously protected within technical and administrative possibilities and necessary security measures are provided at a level appropriate to possible risks, taking into account technological possibilities. You can send your requests within the scope of the law by e-mail to “info@anadoluhastanesi.com.tr”  or by filling out the “Application Form According to the Law on the Protection of Personal Data”;

  • (i) You can send a petition bearing your wet signature to the address Ataşehir Mah.Malatya Cad.No:99,Elazığ, Turkey by courier to the attention of the “Human Resources” department, with the words “Request for Information Within the Scope of the Personal Data Protection Law” written on the envelope.
  • (ii) Send it through a notary,
  • (iii)  to golcuksaglik@hs06.kep.tr via secure electronic or mobile signature, registered electronic mail address or your electronic mail address registered in our system and/or
  • (iv) You can send a file in “word or pdf” format addressed to Anadolu Hospital, signed with a secure e-signature, and  by writing “Personal Data Protection Law Information Request” in the subject section of the e-mail to info@anadoluhastanesi.com.tr  .

Update Date 09.09.2024