Our Visitor Policy

a. It is allowed to visit our patients by relatives in hours which head physician determines on every or some days of week in defiance of areal and corporative conditions.
b. Visit of patients is possible without visiting hours, if head physician or on-call doctor allows.
c. Patients cannot be visited without informing medicine staff of department.
d. Visiting days and hours can be organized different for each specialities, if head physician find it necessary.
e. Visiting time cannot be exceeded the 15 minutes.
f. Visitors should not sit patients’ beds and use their belongings.
g. It is not allowed to visit patients who are pestiferous or visiting he/she is founded undesirable by head physician.
h. It should be considered that every clinic can create own visitor policy without these main rules.

General Rules Which Should Be Obeyed By Patients, Accompanists and Visitors


a. It is imperative to obey all rules which are established by hospital.
b. Information about patient’s needs could be taken from nurse, while information about patient’s medical condition could be taken from doctor.
c. There are nurse call systems on patient bed-side panel and in toilets for emergency cases.
d. Patient cannot leave service without informing service nurse.
d. It is not allowed that patients walk about in or around of hospital, if nurse or doctor allow to.
f. It is not allowed to speak loudly in patient rooms or corridors because not to disturb other patients.
g. It is not allowed to smoke a cigarette in hospital building.
Hospital materials could not be damaged.
i. Patient room and toilets should be used cleanly.
j. Unnecessary electrical and water consumption should be avoided.
k. Do not open windows.
l. Patient should not be taken any different medicines for cure without informing doctor.
m. Patients should not keep valuable belongings like as golden or money with them.
n. Children who are under 12 are not allowed to be enter hospital because of infection risk.
o. Patient visitors can worship in hospital prayer room.
p. It is not allowed to bring any food or drink to patients without getting permission from doctor.
q. Any food should not be given to patients without getting permission from doctor.
r. Information about patient’s health is given to patient relatives firstly and people who law and regulations allow to subsequently in accordance with patient and information privacy.
s. Patient privacy should be respected.
t. It should not be demand insistently to visit patients without visiting hours.
u. It should be avoided frustrating talking and behavior during visit.
v. It is requested not to bring flowers.

Adult Intensive Care Patient Visiting Hours and Rules


a. Visitors are accepted between 12:00 and 13:00 every day with intensive care doctor’s permission.
b. Time for getting information about intensive care patients is 09:00. This action is done between doctor who stays on intensive care enter and next-of-kin of patient in an area which is organized that two people can sit face to face in terms of patient privacy.
c. Visitors have to obey below rules except “visitor policy” and “general rules which should be obeyed by patients, accompanists and visitors”
a. Visitor number is limited with maximum 2.
b. Only next-of-kin of patient can visit his/her.
c. Visiting takes 5-7 minutes in supervision of nurse. But this time can be limited more in emergency cases.
d. Visitor gown should be worn. Gown is delivered to nurse when visiting is over.
e. It is not allowed children under 12 to visit patient. It can be allowed to child visitor with intensive care doctor’s permission in compulsory cases.
f. Visitors disinfect their hands according to nurse’s directives before and after going into intensive care unit.
g. Physical contact with patients is not allowed.
h. Shooting patient or intensive care unit by using phone or another device is not allowed.
Food or drinks cannot be brought.

Newborn Intensive Care Patient Visiting Hours and Rules


a. It can be done twice per day as 10:00-11:00 and 18:00-19:00 with doctor permission.
b. Time for getting information about intensive care patients is 09:00. This action is done in doctor’s policlinic in terms of patient privacy.
c. Visitors have to obey below rules except “visitor policy” and “general rules which should be obeyed by patients, accompanists and visitors”
a. You can join nutrition period of your baby in supervision of nurse in intensive care unit, if doctor see fit to.
b. Visitor number is limited with maximum 2.
c. Only next-of-kin of patient can visit his/her.
d. Visiting takes 5-7 minutes in supervision of nurse. But this time can be limited more in emergency cases.
e. Visitor gown should be worn. Gown is delivered to nurse when visiting is over.
f. It is not allowed children under 12 to visit patient. It can be allowed to child visitor with intensive care doctor’s permission in compulsory cases.
g. Visitors disinfect their hands according to nurse’s directives before and after going into intensive care unit.
h. Physical contact with patients is not allowed.
i. Shooting patient or intensive care unit by using phone or another device is not allowed.
j. Food or drinks cannot be brought

Rules Under Patient Compliance


*. Patient should obey these rules when he/she is given service of medicine:
a. He/she should behave accordingly to rules and regulations of medicine service institution which he/she consulted and act with the awareness that he/she is a part of examination and treatment staff with participatory approach.
b. He/she inform complete and right about complaints, illnesses had before, treatments and medical attentions received and medicines are taken if he/she still uses.
c. He/she should go to follow-up examinations in time which is determinated by doctor and feedback about state of treatment.
d. He/she should fall with appointment time and inform about changes to related department.
e. He/she should respect to rights of patients with priority, other patients and staff according to related legislation.
f. He/she does not have to behave offensively as verbal or physical to staff.
g. He/she should consult to patient communication unit when think his/her rights was violated or have problem.